
Below, you will find a list of articles. Some have been specifically requested, others I have written because I felt that they filled a gap in knowledge that was missing. If you don’t see an article, but think that it would be useful, please drop me a line and I’ll write it if I have the knowledge!

Name Description
For the Newbies: Aperture. That mysterious hole explained!
For the Newbies: Shutter Speed. Shutter speed. What is it? How do I use it?
For the Newbies: Choosing a digital camera. I’m so confused! What should I choose!!!
Basketball shooting guide. Tips and techniques on how to get the most out of your basketball photos, including camera, lens, and where to stand!
Nikon D300: Auto Focus review. My impressions of the D300’s auto focus capabilities during use in sporting events.
Nikon D300: Live View (Hand held). My impressions of the D300’s Live View mode.
On the cheap! Low cost photo accessories. No need to go out and buy expensive reflectors, etc. You could already have what you need in your pantry!
Zoo shooting guide. A day at the zoo can be a wonderful, rewarding experience if you keep in mind a few things, and take the right equipment.

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Paul Lester Photo